17 February 2011

New stuff for newborns

Yes, yes sorry its been a while I know. I have been so caught up with Autism Advisory & Support Service Auction.

So I have had a few requests lately about doing some newborn headbands and I thought it was a great idea! So I am slowly getting out some new designs for the little new arrivals. I am trying to keep the flowers on the headbands a little smaller as it can take over sometimes if its to big but I am more then willing to go bigger if requested.

If you havent noticed I love doing all white headbands and they seem to be quite popular too and I will certainly be continuing this with the newborn headbands. They will be perfect for photoshoots!

So here are a couple of pic's of what I have so far:

Love Sparkle

Pink Knit Lace

2 Pinky's

LOTS more to come to stay tuned,

Until next time....